Funny Animal Faces Dragon Ball Z Yajirobe
Dragon Ball may be one of the anime shows that most anime haters refer to when they're trying to diss us anime fans. But that's only because Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are so popular that even those who hate it and have never seen it still sort of know what it means to be a Super Saiyan. That means something. And even though there are other animes that Americans know about, Dragon Ball is the one with the most shade cast towards it.
The story of Goku is very similar to that of Superman where he came from another planet and is way stronger than everyone else on Earth because of the alien powers. But is it stolen from the story of Superman, or is it fair to say that anyone could have thought of an alien or creature from another realm being way more powerful than us humans. We think it's fair game. And many of us are on the side of Goku being the victor against Superman.
But that's not what this article is about. It's about how Dragon Ball is hilarious and full of ridiculous content that makes us wish our world was more like it. Imagine if we could all reach the power of Krillin. He can fly. A lot of people forget that Krillin pretty much figures out how to fly just because he was friends with super awesome creatures like Goku. This is a world of greatness and memes.
26 Love That Daughter

Did Gohan really do this in retaliation for Mr. Satan taking credit for the defeat of Cell? Probably not. Gohan is the kind of dude who is super nice and just wants to help people. He doesn't really have any negative bones in his body. Unless you count when he was younger and he turned into the Great Ape and went around town wrecking everyone's face. But even then, that rage was for a good reason. He was trying to help his dad stay safe from the evil Saiyans who came to Earth with malicious intent.
Then there's Mr. Satan. He's the only person who never perished and had to be wished back with the Dragon Balls. Say what you will about him being a total liar, but he is a survivor. Pretty sure he becomes president or something eventually as well. That's a guy who knows how to handle PR and crowds. Even if he can't fight. Speaking of not being able to fight and showmanship, naming yourself Mr. Satan is a pretty serious choice in your career. You taking that name definitely is either going to make you an immediate villain or the most awesome of anti-heroes. He is neither.
25 Throw Salt On Them Jawns

Goku has this alluring way of defeating all the enemies so that he can accumulate the dragon balls to revive his dear friend Krillin. People need to understand something about Krillin. He was Goku's first real friend his own age. Yeah, there was Yamcha and Bulma, but they were busy being teenagers when Krillin and Goku were just kids. And as Goku grew into the tall handsome hero of the universe, Krillin basically stayed the same height. Which, if you're a short person, you know how awful it feels to have a friend come back from summer vacation a foot taller than you are.
Just ask Bobby Hill.
Krillin has always been there for Goku. He's sacrificed his life with no fear in the efforts of assisting Goku in the fight against Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. Every battle, Krillin tosses himself into the fray with courage and vigor. Yeah, he perishes all the time, but that's because he's ready to sell his body to the afterlife for the people he loves. We can make fun of Krillin for perishing all the time if we want, but none of us have his courage or his amazing wife who used to be an android.
24 A Namekian Accent

What's the deal with monsters and aliens always being able to speak English? We all know that English is chosen as the universal language of business across the world to make things easier with a standard, but why does it seem to be a standard across the Universe as well? How long ago was English created that it should be used by creatures that have never once even been to this planet? Is it that they can read our minds from far away and just speak to us normally? Or is it because we are watching the show in English and the idea of making new languages for every single dude and using subtitles is just unnecessary for the story?
There seems to be an authenticity when a movie or tv show keeps to reality and has everyone speak in the correct languages that are inherent to those characters. But then you end up having a film with subtitles and when there are more than 2 languages being spoken, you sort of just ignore it because you're stuck reading the English translation. Subtitles distract from the visual, we all know this.
23 I Got Some Leftovers For You

Why is it that our grandmothers always want to give us food all of the time? Is it because they come from a time when maybe food was scarcer and that access to delicious meals is something that their generation didn't have access too? It has to be something along those lines that they know we want food and they know they spent their whole lives eating and making food that they want us to have no hunger. Hunger is a serious thing that we all take for granted because we have food literally at every corner.
But what does the desire to always eat mean for us as a species?
We live in an era of excess and knowledge. We don't have to worry about going hungry or animals attacking us in the night and stealing us from our homes. Our lives are like that of ancient Royalty with even more amenities. We eat and sleep like Kings and Queens all the while with Taco Bell, running water, and electricity. Not to mention the internet and video games too. We win.
22 Eat A Snickers

Everyone knows that when you get hungry all your niceness goes into the sewer. There's something about the brain that realizes when you're hungry it's time to get angry and mean. Like as if it's a survival technique to stave off starvation. Your brain thinks that there is no food coming and that since there hasn't been a meal for a while that the adrenaline and anger needs to kick in in case some food comes your way you're ready to strike.
This is what we call instinct. Killer instinct.
But all of that can be fixed with a Snickers bar if you've ever seen the commercials. Snickers is a pretty delicious candy and it has peanuts in it so it's not an entirely bad piece of food that will tear apart your insides and turn you into a person who can no longer digest sugars. But if you're in a situation where you're being a bit salty because you're hungry or you're in a survival situation, a Snickers will do the trick. Now if only Goku can get around the merchandising and advertising legal jargon.
21 Yajirobe's Frozen Yogurt Stand

Listen here all you Yamcha haters. You got it all wrong. Yamcha is a pretty average human being in this world of monsters. But he still showed up when he needed to despite being a chump who gets eliminated entirely too easily. But then again, what would your reaction be to come across a battle between the strongest dude you know (Goku) and an alien humanoid that just transformed into a monstrous ape? You'd probably hide.
So the fat man Yajirobe is a hard human to compare to.
But what most of you all wouldn't do is stick around long enough, or in Yajirobe's case turn your car around out of guilt, to return to the battle and cut of the Great Ape's tail which is the very act necessary for defeating Vegeta. One could argue that by helping Goku defeat Vegeta, he aided in the relationship that the two would eventually build together. A relationship that famously defends Earth from countless assaults. So while Yamcha may be useless to some, he has a place in the story just like Yajirobe. But Yajirobe has some pretty amazing feats he's been involved in. And he didn't back down from Vegeta like a little baby when his girl got stolen from him.
20 Sort Of Hypocritical

Not that this guy is in the right or anything, but if you're in a position where you hate something for what it does and why it does it, you can end them for that reason. It's still wrong because all demise caused by others is wrong. But it's not like you're a hypocrite for wiping out a species because they are too violent. Think about it this way. If you hate humans for ending each other and know that that behavior is only going to evolve into a seething hatred for all things not human as well, that's a considerable future threat.
In fact, by wiping out a violent primitive race, you get rid of something in the future that you could potentially not control. It's like all pest issues. You find the Queen rat or ant and you get rid of them since they will only allow for a growth in the population of your enemy. These are simply military tactics. Or rather, a martial tactic in the game of life. Think about it in video game terms. If you're fighting a group of enemies and one of them keeps duplicating until you eliminate it, then you're going to be overrun. This is classic threat awareness and elimination. Do what you gotta do, homie.
19 Goku Yolo

A lot of people out there talk about Goku perishing multiple times as if he didn't pass on purpose. You all need to know that Goku wanted to perish so he could get away from Chichi for a while. And also because he knew Piccolo would handle raising Gohan. Goku just wanted to train in the afterlife. What other kinds of warriors out there pass away on purpose to get away from their loved ones so they can train non stop without interruptions?
Only to return later on when they really need his help.
Goku is the hero fo the ages. He's the guy that deserves to live longer than anyone else. And with the exception of the movie that shall not be named, Goku's been an amazing character in almost every moment on screen. Despite his selfishness. Still, Chichi should understand that the children she happens to be raising are basically gods and she should be happy because she will go down in history as a sort of God-mother type thing. Like that lady who gave birth to Jesus. We forgot her name because we believe in the mythology of God of War rather than the other religions. Who else is with us?
18 CSI: Miami: Krillin Chronicles

Once again, Krillin shows that he is not some average dude on this plaent. He knws the rules of consent and whatnot even though his justification makes no sense. It's hilarious becuase the show CSI: Miami started off with that idiotic prologue every episode followed by the dude putting on his glasses and someone screaming " YEAAAAH." Maybe it wasn't idiotic, but the memes that have come afterward certainly do make light of serious situiations in the show.
This one with Krillin is almost as great as the memes with Squirtle wering the glasses after he says something hardcore. Which begs the question, are we cooler or dumber for putting our sunglasses on right before we do or say something ridiculous? Chances are that if someone catches you saying something slick while theatrically putting your glasses on your face, they're going to call you a tool. And rightfully so. Because you were trying hard to be super cool. Which is a huge reason for seeing people as tools. Those two words also rhyme.
17 Make Piccolo Do It

There has to be a voice inside Goku's mind that tells him to do all the super dumb things rather than a real brain like the rest of ours. After all, he isn't a human being. But he was raised as a human being and he should know that being dumb is never a good choice. Even still. Even though he isn't socially the smartest thing in the world, he's a master fighter. That's where all his brain power and knowledge is diverted to. And rightfully so, he has no need for anything in his life besides being a warrior.
If it wasn't for Goku's uniquely superior skills, then the world in DBZ would have been destroyed or enslaved like five times over. So what if Goku makes the wrong decisions most of the time? He has better things to do than to raise his son and chill with his wife. If you think about it, anyone who tries to interrupt Goku from training is the most selfish person on Earth because Goku is the defender of the planet. He's busy Y'all.
16 The Bubble Gum Gumbi

What's the deal with Majin Buu? Was it really necessary for him to look like an angry piece of chewing gum? Or to look like the Bubbalicious version of Gumbi? Probably. After all, the Majin Buu saga was the least interesting of the sagas. But how does this dude who has no bones crack his knuckles? Perhaps he can't and he's just making the noise with his mouth so that he seems cool, like one of those guys who's getting ready for a fight.
But to compare the Majin Buu saga to the Frieza saga is a fool's errand.
The whole idea that Goku was from a warrior planet and that he is one of the last of his kind in this universe is amazing. That not only were there a few of the Saiyans left, but they were basically enslaved in the Frieza force. Frieza being the guy that destroyed their home planet and eliminated Goku's dad. All of that storyline just demolishes anything that comes after it.
15 Got A New Android Cell

The thing about Cell is that he was the perfect life form and trying to become better and better by absorbing all the enemies he faced. What's funny is the word cell can stand for the mini organisms that live within us all and make us up, as well as the cellular phones that we use. So when Cell absorbs an Android, it makes for a funny pun. Are you happy that we explained all of that? You should be because sometimes people don't understand memes and they feel left out.
We're about inclusion.
The Cell saga was pretty cool, but again, like the Majin Buu saga, it doesn't compare to the Frieza Saga. A lot of dedicated fans enjoy the Cell games arc, but it's just a bit dull compared to earlier seasons. We have this theory that when they finally make the live action Dragon Ball movies for real this time, they will be on the level of the Lord of The Rings Trilogy. Imagine the first movie covering the events of Dragon Ball with kid Goku fighting Piccolo, then movie two covering the Vegeta situation and Goku learning he's an alien. Then that leads into the third movie that is about Frieza coming to wipe out Earth.
14 Bulma And The Beast

So you can't really be on Bulma's case for her dating a dude that turns into a giant ape. Vegeta, after all, isn't the first person to see a Saiyan turn into the Great Ape. She was trapped with Goku when he learned he was the monster in the early episodes of the show. If you haven't seen Goku's first transformation, then you should look it up on YouTube.
It's a pretty amazing scene.
It mostly has to do with Goku telling Bulma and Yamcha about how he went to sleep one night when he was younger and when he woke up he found that his grandpa Gohan had been eliminated. He told them the story that he should never look at the full moon because something bad happens to him. Basically, at that point, Goku looks up at the full moon and everyone starts to freak out. Then they chill out because he seems fine. But then he turns into a giant ape that wants to destroy everyone around them. So Bulma knows first-hand what she's getting into with a Saiyan boyfriend.
13 Mr. Satan The Hero Of Earth

There's something to be said about this feat of Mr. Satan's. He's definitely the biggest joke out there and he sort of acts like someone who we would consider to be guilty of stolen valor. He goes around talking about how powerful he is and after the Z fighters have saved the planet, Mr. Satan takes credit for the heroic actions. And we know that Goku doesn't really care because he'd rather not be famous anyway. Except when he realizes that he needs to get a regular human job to feed his family and Mr. Satan is super rich because he's the Earth's hero.
Mr. Satan tries to give Goku money and Chichi eventually takes it.
After all, Goku deserves to never have to work another day in his life. He should have people making food for him and rubbing his shoulders every day for free. They owe their lives to him after all he's done for Earth. Even more so because he's not even a human being. It's not even Goku's home planet. He's a one of kind super cool guy. No one will ever be as cool as Goku is. Except for maybe One-Punch man.
12 The Name Is Trunks

We all know that Goku isn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to logic or reasoning. But that also might apply to Vegeta. Where Goku happens to be foolish at times, Vegeta is stubborn and bullheaded. This is a guy that only cares about surpassing Goku even though he never will. He's just not tall enough. Not to mention that Vegeta has too much hate in his bones to become a super nice guy that loves people enough to save them.
Vegeta is the kind of guy that will do what it takes to win no matter what it is.
If he plans to sacrifice an entire continent to get stronger so that he can defeat someone, he will. So maybe when his son shows up from the future and tries to give him some information, Vegeta isn't thinking about what this dude is saying. He's thinking about if he can beat this guy in a fight. If this person who claims to be his son is actually his son or if he is the warrior who will surpass him and put him another rank lower in the ranking of Saiyan warriors. Sort of like what Chronos did to Zeus.
11 The Widows Peak Of Vegeta

We all know people who have weirdly shaped faces. And when you see someone with a ridiculously large forehead it sort of becomes what their entire life is about. Someone asks you if you know Amber, and you think to yourself that you know multiple Amber's, which one do they mean. And then your friend says that he's talking about Amber with the massive forehead and you immediately know what they're talking about. It's a matter of name recognition. Maybe it's mean. But if it were a life or demise trivia type situation, you'd be happy you paid attention to someones unfortunate misshapen skull.
Vegeta looks like a smooshed face with that massive forehead.
Like it was meant for something else like to land a plane on or to build a small town upon. some foreheads can simply be seen as real estate and Vegeta's without the widow's peak is definitely one of those. Maybe Bulma likes that his forehead is too large. She has to have some sort of attractiveness for it, otherwise, how could a person go home to that every day? Glaring at you.
10 Goku's Busy Training

A lot of people give Goku a bunch of garbage for being a bad dad. It's a funny thing to poke at in the meme-scape. But the thing is that Piccolo was really just trying to do right by Goku to make up for being such a loser all the time. Piccolo made it easier for Gohan to get tough. Because Goku would never have pushed Gohan to the point of where he got to in the show. Gohan always cried when he got lost. But Goku was on his own as a super young age and just rolled through the woods punching trees in half.
Very different childhoods.
Everyone gets on Goku's case about not raising Gohan and they still act like Goku didn't eliminate his only guardian. Then when Bulma found Goku he started fighting the Red Ribbon army. This is a kid with a power pole going to fight dozens of grown-ups. There's even one battle when Goku as a kid gets shot in the face by a sniper and the bullet just ricochets off of his cheek like it was a soft slap. Gohan had all sorts of potential inside him and he needed to be pushed. His dad would have never done that.
9 Cells Absorb Androids

The whole thing about Cell is that he is ruthless. He just went around absorbing whoever he could so he could become super powerful. But the problem is he's the bad guy and bad guys never win. Unless it's a South Korean film where the bad guys normally always win because those films are always super dark. Cell would fit in perfectly in South Korea and maybe even better in North Korea. Either one he chooses, the chances of one conquering the other is pretty great once Cell gets in charge.
The way Cell and many other villains act make us think sometimes what is going through their minds. Will they ever make the world a better place with their evil plans? What is the means to the end in their scenario? Sort of like Thanos, he wants to make the Universe last longer so he destroys everyone who would get in the way of sustainability. Which happens to be half. What if instead of wiping everyone out, Thanos teams up with Cell and the go around absorbing people and becoming best friends in the process. Best Friends Forever.
8 Piccolo's Only Eight?

Is that really true though? Can you consider Piccolo to be only eight years old when he is sort of a clone with the same consciousness as King Piccolo, who is super old? Perhaps it doesn't work that way. But what you can't do is compare an 8-year-old Piccolo to an 8-year-old human. That's just not fair. Not to mention he's a Namekian who ages super quickly or even way more quickly because he's got so much power inside him.
Which begs the question of the Namekian children on the planet Namek.
How old are they if they are to be at such a young age in appearance? Maybe they grow differently on their own planet. But if they are anything older than four or five then wouldn't it make sense for them to look more like grown-ups? We don't know and we don't care. We don't watch cartoons for things to make sense. We watch them because we like to watch colorful warriors battle and do crazy things that real human actors could never pull off.
7 Yamcha Is Useless

Here we go again, everyone hating on Yamcha. So why don't we just join in on the fun? Yamcha is so useless, that the only way he could feel good about himself was to join a baseball league and hit nonstop homeruns. Yeah, he may be a human and it may all be fair and stuff. But how many of those other baseball players got to train in heaven with the guardian of earth and his friend? This is something that sort of puts him ahead of the average professional athlete.
Yamcha is such a bum sometimes.
He totally just got written down in the show because Vegeta took his place as the cool friend with the wild hair. And isn't it sort of obvious that Bulma has a certain type of male she likes? Like, has anyone ever mentioned to Bulma that Yamcha and Vegeta basically have the same haircut? Maybe it was that Yamcha didn't have a big enough forehead for Bulma to fall in love with. Then when Vegeta showed up, she was smitten with love for that fivehead.
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